Urban Decay Primer Potion Goes Under the Knife

Friday, February 22, 2008

Some of you may know that Urban Decay has been holding out on all of us Primer Potion devotees. Because of the shape of the genie packaging, most of the product goes unused and we never even know it! I was about to throw this tube away and but a new one because I thought I was out. Good thing I sliced it open, it would have been wasting money and makeup!

Here's the pictures of me slicing the packaging:

The tools: a small kitchen knife and razor blades.

A ridiculous amount of product left!

Scooped out as much as possible without cutting the bottom open. The container is an old BE Foundation jar.

The easiest way to cut the bottom is poke a hole and cut straight across the rim.

All cleaned out from the bottom...

and all clean from the top! I sustained a slight slice to my finger but it was worth it!

The final amount of product left in that sucker. I think a BE blush container would be the perfect size for this.

I'm going to email Urban Decay with these pictures and suggest that they change they're packaging. I mean seriously, what a waste if you don't cut the damn tube open! Now, that my lovelies, is worth the $15!